Bliss Restaurant Lounge

Bliss Restaurant Lounge se encuentra en la dirección Entrada Callejón de la Loma en la ciudad de Cabarete, República Dominicana, como se puede ver en el mapa que le muestra cómo llegar a la empresa. El teléfono principal de Bliss Restaurant Lounge es 809-571-9721. Si deseas conocer más sobre este negocio, puedes llamar y solicitar información de sus productos y servicios. No olvides preguntar por sus ofertas, descuentos y especiales del momento.

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Bliss is one of the most unique restaurants in all Cabarete. It is hidden just off the main road across the street from Ocean Dream Resort, so if you are not looking for it, you will probably miss it. But Bliss interesting menu of Italian-International fusion cuisine is something that you don't want to pass by!

The new owners, the Chef Andrea and his wife Nara, are from Italy and their menu strongly reflects the Mediterranean influence. The appetizer are various and fresh and of course you will find a great selection of Pasta! Andrea makes the pasta himself and the stuffed ravioli really bring the flavor of Italy. Main courses explore interesting flavored combinations such as Pork lion confit with brased cabbage and apple and Tuna Pan seared with roasted three sesame seeds crust, ginger carrots pure' and soya sauce, to get to the traditional dishes such as seafood casserole with Italian sauce, Mahi Mahi, Steaks, Salmon, Surf & Turf... One suggestion, do not miss the deserts!! If you have a sweet tooth try the Picasso, a combination of the best homemade deserts of the house.

Once you step inside Bliss, you forget that you just exited a busy street. The surrounding are tranquil and enchanting. A small Buddha statue, which somehow fits very well to this place, overlooks a small swimming pool situated in between the bar and dining area.There are gentle beats pulsating in the background and plush seating areas to lounge in.The atmosphere and menu at Bliss are truly unlike anything else you will find in Cabarete. It is a great place to have a celebration, enjoy a fine meal or sip on a cocktail while meditating next to the pool.

Opinión sobre: - Bliss Restaurant Lounge 809-571-9721
Este negocio labora en actividades relacionadas con Restaurantes en Cabarete.

Puntuación: 4.7

Visitas: 2103

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